Streets in this area:
Colonsay Close EH5 1BF
28 flats (2 of which are main door flats) with a mix of balconies and patio areas
Waterfront Park EH5 1BA
17 flats (2 of which are main door flats) with a mix of balconies and patio areas
Property types
1 Bed Amenity Ground Floor Flat (without patio) (63 Waterfront Park)
One bedroom flat with wet floor shower room. The flat has no exclusive garden area but has access to a common landscaped area. The flat has no designated parking area.
Category: Amenity Flats1 Bed Amenity Ground Floor Flat with patio (8/2 Colonsay Close, 10/1 & 10/2 Colonsay Close)
One bedroom flat with wet floor shower room. The flat has no exclusive garden area but has a patio adjoining a common landscaped area to which it has access. The flat has no designated parking area.
Category: Amenity Flats1 Bed Upper Flats
One bedroom flat off a common stair. The flat has no exclusive garden area but has access to a common landscaped area. The flat has no designated parking area unless otherwise specified.
Category: General Needs Flats1 Bed Wheelchair Flat with patio and garden (2 Colonsay Close.)
One bedroom flat with wet floor shower room, designed for someone with special needs. Living room/kitchen suitable for wheelchair user and an additional public room containing the boiler. The flat has a small enclosed garden area at the front entrance and to the rear a patio adjoining a common landscaped area to which it has access. The flat has no designated parking area.
Category: Wheelchair Flats2 bedroom (3 person) Wheelchair Flat with Patio (8/1 Colonsay Close, 67 Waterfront Park.)
Two bedroom flat with wet floor shower room, designed for someone with special needs. Living room/kitchen suitable for wheelchair user. The flat has no exclusive garden area but has a patio adjoining a common landscaped area to which it has access. The flat has no designated parking area.
Category: Wheelchair Flats3 Bed (4 person) Upper Flats
Three bedroom flat off a common stair. The flat has no exclusive garden area but has access to a common landscaped area. The flat has no designated parking area unless otherwise specified.
Category: General Needs Flats