Your Committee needs you! Your Co-op needs you!
The following constitute the documents for the Committee application pack. This is relevant irrespective of whether a fully elected member of the Committee, Casual Vacancy or Co-optee.
- Fully Elected Committee Member Application Form
- Fully Elected Committee Member Declaration of Eligibility
- Committee Member Recruitment Policy
- WGHC Role Descriptions – Committee Members
- General Data Protection Policy
- WGHC 2020 FCA Approved Model Rules
- Casual Vacancy Application Form
- Casual Vacancy Declaration of Eligibility
- Co-optee Application Form
- Co-optee Declaration of Eligibility
WGHC is a fully mutual co-operative. This means we have to abide by a constitution and set of rules.
Only WGHC tenants can be members and membership is confirmed with a shareholder certificate. All tenants ‘own’ a 372th share of the Cooperative. Only first named tenant members can apply and be elected to the Committee. (Other tenants can join the Committee but on a co-optee basis, which removes certain voting rights).
The Committee MUST have between 7 and 15 fully elected members. The Committee had 12 members until recently and this has now dropped to 7.
The Committee are key to the success of the Co-op – your Co-op, the Co-op of which you are all members. If Committee member numbers drop below 7 we are required to report this as a Notifiable Event to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Thereafter there is only one order of business that can be undertaken by the Committee and that is to acquire further members. To allow for occasional periods of sickness and taking holidays, the Co-op really needs a Committee of 10 or more members. More than ever, we need some more tenants, as members and shareholders of the Co-op, to volunteer and apply for election to the Committee.
Committee receive training, so no experience is necessary. We ask that you commit to approximately 4 hours a month – a 2 hour Committee meeting once a month, usually, on the third Wednesday evening of the month commencing at 6.15pm and finishing by 8.15pm. The other 2 hours are used for training in various elements: strategy, finance, corporate governance etc.
All of the current Committee members are from the Granton Mains area (Avenue, Vale, Court, Wynd and Gait) or Granton Mill area (Drive) of the WGHC estate. We welcome further applications from those areas but are actively inviting applications from WGHC tenants in all other areas of our estate:
- Waterfront Park,
- Colonsay Close,
- Ferry Road Avenue,
- CraigmuirPlace,
- West Pilton Park and West Pilton Bank.
Committee business is not stuffy and neither is it complicated – but it serves an absolute and fundamental role in the running and success of the Co-op. Your Co-op.
See below for a message from the Committee Chair, Mr. Colin Fraser…